(2nd Trimester Abortion)
I was speaking with an employee of mine the other day...she was obviously one of these "cut and run" democrats who said we should just pull out immediately. For justification, she cited the fact that over 3,000 American G.I.'s have been killed since the war started over 3 years ago. Don't get me wrong...every American life lost during any war is tragic and saddening...and I have known my fair share of loss...considering the first combat casualty of the Iraq war was a close friend and classmate of mine, 1LT Shane
Childers...a very motivated, honorable, and capable Marine. All together, I have lost 12 of my Citadel brothers in combat...so the numbers are very real to me...however, lets put those numbers in perspective. The first day of the Battle of the Somme in WWI...20,000 British troops died and most of which were within the first hour of battle. On D-Day alone, during WWII, approximately 2,500 allied soldiers were killed...and over 400,000 Americans would be killed during the course of the 6 year war. Those numbers are frightening...and when you look at the number of casualties American troops are experiencing today...they are very small in comparison to the wars of yesteryear. Now let us take a look at these 3,000 combat deaths in comparison to abortion. Approximately 3,700 abortions occur daily in the United States alone...this means we are murdering our unborn children at an exponentially faster rate than we are losing soldiers during a
multi-year armed conflict. If the number of American soldier deaths were equal to the daily deaths of our unborn children due to infanticide, we would have lost approximately 4,051,500 soldiers by this point in time. I find this figure to be staggering...it absolutely makes me sick. We have no value for human life in this country. People are fast to defend a
woman's right to murder her unborn child...but they will fast and hold vigils for a convicted murderer, rapist, and child
molester on death row...we have things ass backwards in this country. If those figures I typed made you sick to your stomach...how about these. There are approximately 126,000 abortions performed worldwide on a DAILY basis...this equates to approximately 46 million per year...We don't have to worry about overpopulating the world at this rate...we just need to worry about survival of the human race...we are murdering ourselves faster than we can procreate...and the figure that shocks me the most is that the number of abortions performed each year are so high, it equates to a lifetime average of about 1 abortion PER WOMAN. That means there are countless women having 5, 10, maybe even 15 of these procedures done during their lifetime. Something must be done about this horrendous and meaningless loss of life. If you want more detailed statistics, please follow this link: